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Resource ValueSet/FHIR Server from package hl7.fhir.cz.core#current (78 ms)

Package hl7.fhir.cz.core
Type ValueSet
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source https://hl7.cz/fhir/core/https://build.fhir.org/ig/HL7-cz/cz-core/ValueSet-cz-contactperson-relation-vs.html
Url https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/ValueSet/cz-contact-person-relation-vs
Version 0.2.1
Status active
Date 2022-12-26
Name CZ_ContactPersonRelationVS
Title Contact Person Relation (CZ)
Experimental False
Realm cz
Authority hl7
Description Relationship of the contact person to the subject

Resources that use this resource

cz-patient-base Patient (CZ base)

Resources that this resource uses

http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131 contactRole2
http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode RoleCode
http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131 contactRole2
http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode RoleCode


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

Generated Narrative: ValueSet cz-contactperson-relation-vs

Language: cs

This value set includes codes based on the following rules:

  • Include codes fromhttp://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131 where concept is-not-a O
  • Include these codes as defined in http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode
    AUNTtetaThe player of the role is a sister of the scoping person's mother or father.
    BRObratrThe player of the role is a male sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.
    BROINLAWšvagrThe player of the role is: (1) a brother of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the husband of the scoping person's sister, or (3) the husband of a sister of the scoping person's spouse.
    CHILDdítěThe player of the role is a child of the scoping entity.
    CHLDADOPTosvojené dítěThe player of the role is a child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.
    CHLDFOSTdítě v náhradní péči (kromě osvojení)The player of the role is a child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.
    CHLDINLAWzeť/snachaThe player of the role is the spouse of scoping person's child.
    COUSNsestřenice/bratranecThe player of the role is a relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.
    DAUvlastní dceraThe player of the role is a female offspring of the scoping entity (parent).
    DAUADOPTosvojená dceraThe player of the role is a female child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.
    DAUCdcera**Description:** The player of the role is a female child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)
    DAUFOSTdcera v náhradní péči (kromě osvojení)The player of the role is a female child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.
    DAUINLAWsnachaThe player of the role is the wife of scoping person's son.
    DOMPARTdruh/družkaThe player of the role cohabits with the scoping person but is not the scoping person's spouse.
    FAMMEMBrodinný příslušníkA relationship between two people characterizing their "familial" relationship
    FRNDpřítel/přítelkyněThe player of the role is a person who is known, liked, and trusted by the scoping person.
    FTHotecThe player of the role is a male who begets or raises or nurtures the scoping entity (child).
    FTHINLAWtchánThe player of the role is the father of the scoping person's husband or wife.
    GGRFTHpradědečekThe player of the role is the father of the scoping person's grandparent.
    GGRMTHprababičkaThe player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's grandparent.
    GGRPRNpraprarodičThe player of the role is a parent of the scoping person's grandparent.
    GRFTHdědečekThe player of the role is the father of the scoping person's mother or father.
    GRMTHbabičkaThe player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's mother or father.
    GRNDCHILDvnoučeThe player of the role is a child of the scoping person's son or daughter.
    GRNDDAUvnučkaThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's son or daughter.
    GRNDSONvnukThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's son or daughter.
    GRPRNprarodičThe player of the role is a parent of the scoping person's mother or father.
    HUSBmanželThe player of the role is a man joined to a woman (scoping person) in marriage.
    MTHmatkaThe player of the role is a female who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures the scoping entity (child).
    MTHINLAWtchýněThe player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's husband or wife.
    NBORsoused/sousedkaThe player of the role lives near or next to the scoping person.
    NCHILDpotomekThe player of the role is an offspring of the scoping entity as determined by birth.
    NEPHEWsynovecThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.
    NIECEneteřThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.
    NIENEPHneteř/synovecThe player of the role is a child of scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.
    PRNrodičThe player of the role is one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises the scoping entity (child).
    PRNINLAWtchyně/tchánThe player of the role is the parent of scoping person's husband or wife.
    ROOMspolubydlícíOne who shares living quarters with the subject.
    SIBsourozenecThe player of the role shares one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.
    SIGOTHRosoba blízkáA person who is important to one's well being; especially a spouse or one in a similar relationship. (The player is the one who is important)
    SISsestraThe player of the role is a female sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.
    SISINLAWšvagrováThe player of the role is: (1) a sister of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the wife of the scoping person's brother, or (3) the wife of a brother of the scoping person's spouse.
    SONvlastní synThe player of the role is a male offspring of the scoping entity (parent).
    SONADOPTosvojený synThe player of the role is a male child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.
    SONCsyn**Description:** The player of the role is a male child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)
    SONFOSTsyn v náhradní péči (kromě osvojení)The player of the role is a male child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.
    SONINLAWzeťThe player of the role is the husband of scoping person's daughter.
    SPSmanžel/maželkaThe player of the role is a marriage partner of the scoping person.
    STPCHLDnevlastní dítěThe player of the role is a child of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.
    STPDAUnevlastní dceraThe player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.
    STPSONnevlastní synThe player of the role is a son of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.
    UNCLEstrýcThe player of the role is a brother of the scoping person's mother or father.
    WIFEmanželkaThe player of the role is a woman joined to a man (scoping person) in marriage.


  "resourceType" : "ValueSet",
  "id" : "cz-contactperson-relation-vs",
  "language" : "cs",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "extensions",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\" xml:lang=\"cs\" lang=\"cs\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ValueSet cz-contactperson-relation-vs</b></p><a name=\"cz-contactperson-relation-vs\"> </a><a name=\"hccz-contactperson-relation-vs\"> </a><a name=\"cz-contactperson-relation-vs-cz-CZ\"> </a><div style=\"display: inline-block; background-color: #d9e0e7; padding: 6px; margin: 4px; border: 1px solid #8da1b4; border-radius: 5px; line-height: 60%\"><p style=\"margin-bottom: 0px\">Language: cs</p></div><p>This value set includes codes based on the following rules:</p><ul><li>Include codes from<a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/5.3.0/CodeSystem-v2-0131.html\"><code>http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131</code></a> where concept is-not-a <a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/5.3.0/CodeSystem-v2-0131.html#v2-0131-O\">O</a></li><li>Include these codes as defined in <a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html\"><code>http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode</code></a><table class=\"none\"><tr><td style=\"white-space:nowrap\"><b>Code</b></td><td><b>Display</b></td><td><b>Definition</b></td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-AUNT\">AUNT</a></td><td>teta</td><td>The player of the role is a sister of the scoping person's mother or father.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-BRO\">BRO</a></td><td>bratr</td><td>The player of the role is a male sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-BROINLAW\">BROINLAW</a></td><td>Å¡vagr</td><td>The player of the role is: (1) a brother of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the husband of the scoping person's sister, or (3) the husband of a sister of the scoping person's spouse.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-CHILD\">CHILD</a></td><td>dítÄ›</td><td>The player of the role is a child of the scoping entity.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-CHLDADOPT\">CHLDADOPT</a></td><td>osvojené dítÄ›</td><td>The player of the role is a child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-CHLDFOST\">CHLDFOST</a></td><td>dítÄ› v náhradní péči (kromÄ› osvojení)</td><td>The player of the role is a child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-CHLDINLAW\">CHLDINLAW</a></td><td>zeÅ¥/snacha</td><td>The player of the role is the spouse of scoping person's child.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-COUSN\">COUSN</a></td><td>sestÅ™enice/bratranec</td><td>The player of the role is a relative of the scoping person descended from a common ancestor, such as a grandparent, by two or more steps in a diverging line.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-DAU\">DAU</a></td><td>vlastní dcera</td><td>The player of the role is a female offspring of the scoping entity (parent).</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-DAUADOPT\">DAUADOPT</a></td><td>osvojená dcera</td><td>The player of the role is a female child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-DAUC\">DAUC</a></td><td>dcera</td><td>**Description:** The player of the role is a female child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-DAUFOST\">DAUFOST</a></td><td>dcera v náhradní péči (kromÄ› osvojení)</td><td>The player of the role is a female child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-DAUINLAW\">DAUINLAW</a></td><td>snacha</td><td>The player of the role is the wife of scoping person's son.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-DOMPART\">DOMPART</a></td><td>druh/družka</td><td>The player of the role cohabits with the scoping person but is not the scoping person's spouse.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-FAMMEMB\">FAMMEMB</a></td><td>rodinný přísluÅ¡ník</td><td>A relationship between two people characterizing their &quot;familial&quot; relationship</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-FRND\">FRND</a></td><td>přítel/přítelkynÄ›</td><td>The player of the role is a person who is known, liked, and trusted by the scoping person.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-FTH\">FTH</a></td><td>otec</td><td>The player of the role is a male who begets or raises or nurtures the scoping entity (child).</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-FTHINLAW\">FTHINLAW</a></td><td>tchán</td><td>The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's husband or wife.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GGRFTH\">GGRFTH</a></td><td>pradÄ›deček</td><td>The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's grandparent.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GGRMTH\">GGRMTH</a></td><td>prababička</td><td>The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's grandparent.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GGRPRN\">GGRPRN</a></td><td>praprarodič</td><td>The player of the role is a parent of the scoping person's grandparent.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GRFTH\">GRFTH</a></td><td>dÄ›deček</td><td>The player of the role is the father of the scoping person's mother or father.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GRMTH\">GRMTH</a></td><td>babička</td><td>The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's mother or father.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GRNDCHILD\">GRNDCHILD</a></td><td>vnouče</td><td>The player of the role is a child of the scoping person's son or daughter.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GRNDDAU\">GRNDDAU</a></td><td>vnučka</td><td>The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's son or daughter.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GRNDSON\">GRNDSON</a></td><td>vnuk</td><td>The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's son or daughter.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-GRPRN\">GRPRN</a></td><td>prarodič</td><td>The player of the role is a parent of the scoping person's mother or father.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-HUSB\">HUSB</a></td><td>manžel</td><td>The player of the role is a man joined to a woman (scoping person) in marriage.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-MTH\">MTH</a></td><td>matka</td><td>The player of the role is a female who conceives, gives birth to, or raises and nurtures the scoping entity (child).</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-MTHINLAW\">MTHINLAW</a></td><td>tchýnÄ›</td><td>The player of the role is the mother of the scoping person's husband or wife.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-NBOR\">NBOR</a></td><td>soused/sousedka</td><td>The player of the role lives near or next to the scoping person.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-NCHILD\">NCHILD</a></td><td>potomek</td><td>The player of the role is an offspring of the scoping entity as determined by birth.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-NEPHEW\">NEPHEW</a></td><td>synovec</td><td>The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-NIECE\">NIECE</a></td><td>neteÅ™</td><td>The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-NIENEPH\">NIENEPH</a></td><td>neteÅ™/synovec</td><td>The player of the role is a child of scoping person's brother or sister or of the brother or sister of the scoping person's spouse.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-PRN\">PRN</a></td><td>rodič</td><td>The player of the role is one who begets, gives birth to, or nurtures and raises the scoping entity (child).</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-PRNINLAW\">PRNINLAW</a></td><td>tchynÄ›/tchán</td><td>The player of the role is the parent of scoping person's husband or wife.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-ROOM\">ROOM</a></td><td>spolubydlící</td><td>One who shares living quarters with the subject.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SIB\">SIB</a></td><td>sourozenec</td><td>The player of the role shares one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SIGOTHR\">SIGOTHR</a></td><td>osoba blízká</td><td>A person who is important to one's well being; especially a spouse or one in a similar relationship. (The player is the one who is important)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SIS\">SIS</a></td><td>sestra</td><td>The player of the role is a female sharing one or both parents in common with the scoping entity.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SISINLAW\">SISINLAW</a></td><td>Å¡vagrová</td><td>The player of the role is: (1) a sister of the scoping person's spouse, or (2) the wife of the scoping person's brother, or (3) the wife of a brother of the scoping person's spouse.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SON\">SON</a></td><td>vlastní syn</td><td>The player of the role is a male offspring of the scoping entity (parent).</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SONADOPT\">SONADOPT</a></td><td>osvojený syn</td><td>The player of the role is a male child taken into a family through legal means and raised by the scoping person (parent) as his or her own child.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SONC\">SONC</a></td><td>syn</td><td>**Description:** The player of the role is a male child (of any type) of scoping entity (parent)</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SONFOST\">SONFOST</a></td><td>syn v náhradní péči (kromÄ› osvojení)</td><td>The player of the role is a male child receiving parental care and nurture from the scoping person (parent) but not related to him or her through legal or blood ties.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SONINLAW\">SONINLAW</a></td><td>zeÅ¥</td><td>The player of the role is the husband of scoping person's daughter.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-SPS\">SPS</a></td><td>manžel/maželka</td><td>The player of the role is a marriage partner of the scoping person.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-STPCHLD\">STPCHLD</a></td><td>nevlastní dítÄ›</td><td>The player of the role is a child of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-STPDAU\">STPDAU</a></td><td>nevlastní dcera</td><td>The player of the role is a daughter of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-STPSON\">STPSON</a></td><td>nevlastní syn</td><td>The player of the role is a son of the scoping person's spouse by a previous union.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-UNCLE\">UNCLE</a></td><td>strýc</td><td>The player of the role is a brother of the scoping person's mother or father.</td></tr><tr><td><a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-RoleCode.html#v3-RoleCode-WIFE\">WIFE</a></td><td>manželka</td><td>The player of the role is a woman joined to a man (scoping person) in marriage.</td></tr></table></li></ul></div>"
  "extension" : [
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-fmm",
      "valueInteger" : 2
      "url" : "http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/structuredefinition-standards-status",
      "valueCode" : "trial-use"
  "url" : "https://ncez.mzcr.cz/fhir/ValueSet/cz-contact-person-relation-vs",
  "identifier" : [
      "system" : "urn:ietf:rfc:3986",
      "value" : "urn:oid:"
  "version" : "0.2.1",
  "name" : "CZ_ContactPersonRelationVS",
  "title" : "Contact Person Relation (CZ)",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2022-12-26",
  "publisher" : "HL7 Czech Republic",
  "contact" : [
      "name" : "HL7 Czech Republic",
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.hl7.cz/"
  "description" : "Relationship of the contact person to the subject",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "urn:iso:std:iso:3166",
          "code" : "CZ",
          "display" : "Czechia"
  "compose" : {
    "include" : [
        "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v2-0131",
        "filter" : [
            "property" : "concept",
            "op" : "is-not-a",
            "value" : "O"
        "system" : "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/v3-RoleCode",
        "concept" : [
            "code" : "AUNT",
            "display" : "teta"
            "code" : "BRO",
            "display" : "bratr"
            "code" : "BROINLAW",
            "display" : "Å¡vagr"
            "code" : "CHILD",
            "display" : "dítÄ›"
            "code" : "CHLDADOPT",
            "display" : "osvojené dítÄ›"
            "code" : "CHLDFOST",
            "display" : "dítÄ› v náhradní péči (kromÄ› osvojení)"
            "code" : "CHLDINLAW",
            "display" : "zeÅ¥/snacha"
            "code" : "COUSN",
            "display" : "sestÅ™enice/bratranec"
            "code" : "DAU",
            "display" : "vlastní dcera"
            "code" : "DAUADOPT",
            "display" : "osvojená dcera"
            "code" : "DAUC",
            "display" : "dcera"
            "code" : "DAUFOST",
            "display" : "dcera v náhradní péči (kromÄ› osvojení)"
            "code" : "DAUINLAW",
            "display" : "snacha"
            "code" : "DOMPART",
            "display" : "druh/družka"
            "code" : "FAMMEMB",
            "display" : "rodinný přísluÅ¡ník"
            "code" : "FRND",
            "display" : "přítel/přítelkynÄ›"
            "code" : "FTH",
            "display" : "otec"
            "code" : "FTHINLAW",
            "display" : "tchán"
            "code" : "GGRFTH",
            "display" : "pradÄ›deček"
            "code" : "GGRMTH",
            "display" : "prababička"
            "code" : "GGRPRN",
            "display" : "praprarodič"
            "code" : "GRFTH",
            "display" : "dÄ›deček"
            "code" : "GRMTH",
            "display" : "babička"
            "code" : "GRNDCHILD",
            "display" : "vnouče"
            "code" : "GRNDDAU",
            "display" : "vnučka"
            "code" : "GRNDSON",
            "display" : "vnuk"
            "code" : "GRPRN",
            "display" : "prarodič"
            "code" : "HUSB",
            "display" : "manžel"
            "code" : "MTH",
            "display" : "matka"
            "code" : "MTHINLAW",
            "display" : "tchýnÄ›"
            "code" : "NBOR",
            "display" : "soused/sousedka"
            "code" : "NCHILD",
            "display" : "potomek"
            "code" : "NEPHEW",
            "display" : "synovec"
            "code" : "NIECE",
            "display" : "neteÅ™"
            "code" : "NIENEPH",
            "display" : "neteÅ™/synovec"
            "code" : "PRN",
            "display" : "rodič"
            "code" : "PRNINLAW",
            "display" : "tchynÄ›/tchán"
            "code" : "ROOM",
            "display" : "spolubydlící"
            "code" : "SIB",
            "display" : "sourozenec"
            "code" : "SIGOTHR",
            "display" : "osoba blízká"
            "code" : "SIS",
            "display" : "sestra"
            "code" : "SISINLAW",
            "display" : "Å¡vagrová"
            "code" : "SON",
            "display" : "vlastní syn"
            "code" : "SONADOPT",
            "display" : "osvojený syn"
            "code" : "SONC",
            "display" : "syn"
            "code" : "SONFOST",
            "display" : "syn v náhradní péči (kromÄ› osvojení)"
            "code" : "SONINLAW",
            "display" : "zeÅ¥"
            "code" : "SPS",
            "display" : "manžel/maželka"
            "code" : "STPCHLD",
            "display" : "nevlastní dítÄ›"
            "code" : "STPDAU",
            "display" : "nevlastní dcera"
            "code" : "STPSON",
            "display" : "nevlastní syn"
            "code" : "UNCLE",
            "display" : "strýc"
            "code" : "WIFE",
            "display" : "manželka"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.